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Open Books

How we support you

Research doesn't have to be a solitary task! 

We offer you the guidance and support you need to excel at your academic research endeavours.


Personalized Support

Firstly we set up an introductory session where you meet with your advisor (online or on-site), and we set up expectations and a working plan. We have designed specific questionnaires and interviews to identify your goals, needs, and learning skills. This helps us give you the support and guidance that is unique to you.  


A to Z of research 

Writing a thesis dissertation or even a research paper is no easy endeavor. Especially when you are alone and the guidelines are unclear. We are there by your side helping you in every step, from choosing your topic to writing your final thesis. Your ideas, your words, we just assist you with directions and the nitty-gritty of academia.


Valuable Skills

Conducting and writing good research is important because it equips you with valuable skills that will be transferable later in life. You learn to organize your ideas and information, think critically, observe the world with curiosity, and best of all, add your input to the collective human knowledge.


Free Tips & Resources

We are no gatekeepers! If we learn something the hard way, then we will make sure others after us have the road laid down. Whatever books, articles, sites, and tools we have to make the job easier, they will be at your disposal.

The Best For You

Each student is unique, that's why we don't believe in one-size-fits-all services. We have thought of a couple of ways to offer the best support, but you can always tell us what you need and we will find the method that works best for you.

Single Session

Online or on-site â€‹â€‹

Do you need help with just one part of your research paper? Whether you have a question about your problem statement, or you are wondering how to cite your sources, this is the session for you. 

Daily Planner

Choose your topic

One time session

Monthly Subscription

Online or on-site

A to Z support and guidance on your thesis dissertation or research paper. We design a personalized working plan and set up milestones so that you can build your research step by step and finish everything on time.

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4 sessions a month

Head to our contact page to book your session or ask for more information.

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